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Every effort is made to give our students a sound education

About Us


The Franciscan Clarist Congregation founded in Kerala in 1888 has taken up education as one of its main apostolate from the very beginning. As the followers of St. Francis of Assisi we give special Stress to Christ centered life. Universal brotherhood and joyful service to humanity without any distinction of religion, caste and creed. The simple, humble way of St. Francis goes with the Indian concept “Plan living and high thinking.”

Our education apostolate aims at the formation of the humar person with deep-rooted faith in God, and affectionate love for his brethren and loyalty to the Nation.

“Let the students understand from the very beginning of their learning that Success in life depends upon their sincerity and honesty to God and to oneself and to others.”

In our Institutions every effort is made to create in our Students the qualities of justice, peace, religious tolerance and a special concern for the poor and the oppressed. We try to credit individuals spiritually oriented, intellectually competent, Morally upright, professionally skilled and psyshologically whole.

As catholics are a minority community, we give special stress in imparting Christian faith to Chtristian students in our institutions.
We also take into consideration the needs of the locality to uplift the local community.
We expect the co-operation of parents, teachers, and students to attain these goals.