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Every effort is made to give our students a sound education


1. Every pupil must have a copy of the Diary, which should be brought to school daily.
2. Every pupil is expected to be in time for general assembly, at the commencement of the first bell, at 9.10 am.
3. At the first stroke of the bell, every pupil should be in her/his place in class and keep strict silence.
4. It is strictly compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full school uniform. Pupils must come to school clean and tidy.
5. Any damage or destruction to the school building, school property and equipment is liable to penalty.
6. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody to their books and belongings.
7. No costiy jewels should be worn. If it is lost, the school is not responsible.
8. During recess, no pupil is to remain in any of the classrooms.
9. No books, periodicals or magazines of any description not approved, may be brought into the school premises, without the consent of the principal.
10. Running about and screaming in the classroom and corridor is strictly forbidden.
11. Only English should be spoken within the school premises.
12. When a teacher enters or leaves the class, pupils are expected to stand up as a sign of respect. Pupils should stand in attention and greet any teacher they happen to meet anywhere.
13. Scribbling on walls or furniture is strictly forbidden. Waste papers and skins of fruits should be thrown into the basket and not on the ground.